Wow... What a city, our time was brief here but lot done today, we drive out here tomorrow and start the road trip proper.
Again breakfast at Pergamino's, something different with eggs in, an omelette. A Denver for me and a Hickory smoked Turkey for Ali.
Our moto for the next three weeks....
Another wall, a few satisfied customers..
Our first mission of the day is get on a sight seeing tour, best way to get a lot seen in a short space of time. There are dozens to pick from. We go for one which just hits the main part of down town part of SF.
Not a good picture of China town, the most densely packed part of SF, and it was.... I didn't see as many Chinese when I was in Shanghai, it was more like London at rush hour.
Little Italy visited, very European with all the cafe's and people sat out watching us go by. SF also as a little Japan and little Mexico....

After the tour we still had a couple of things to do which meant going in to down town SF (well only just). We decide to walk, it was only a couple of miles !!! but up an down hill, they are killers on the knees. Needed to check out trying to pick out a mobile data package for the iPad, tried Verizon first but no joy so off to AT&T. "Oh sure", name up on the display but it only took 10 min's at most, I had visions of being there for hours, very efficient. They explained what I needed to do, the micro sim was free, just plug in and follow the instruction they gave. They said that I most probably need a US postal address, but I had already come that conclusion when initially looking into it, lucky I work for a American company and who I had their address.
The next task was to pick up the hire car, but first a little retail therapy, lets have look at the Levi's store, straight in straight out, $78 for a pair of 501's, down on the Wharf they were only $55... Pop into good old Macey's, less than $43, equates to around £28. Wander around a few more shops looking for a small bag for Ali, bags and shoes go together like bread & butter. What a selection in the shops, Ali picks up a small bag only, knows what she wants.
We pick up the hire car, very nice, this shall do us, we head back to the Hotel (only take a few min's) to drop off and head out for a late lunch.
We share a Chicken & Pesto sandwich (remember portion size) and a local beer, goes down well.
The local boy's & girls sunbathing
Watch "As The boat comes in"
We spend the rest of the afternoon doing tourist things, looking around, picking up a few things before evening falls. The day has been long, so a pick me up is needed, back to Boudin's and hit the cocktail bar, "It's Five O'clock Somewhere"
With $60 worth of booze inside us, the munchies hit, so we hit Alioto's....another must when here.
The starter, Clam chowder in a bread bowl, the best, and the main, Dungeness crab in a bay sauce, I've got to say the best Crab I've every eaten WOW...WOW.
We end the night having hot spiced Pumpkin Coca at Ghirardelli's, what an end to our stay in SF, we will be back, so much more to see and experience.