Up early again, ain't got clue what the time should be, lost an hour last night and now informed should get it back on Sunday....whatever....
Slept well again, shaved and showered and for the first time breakfast is included in the price of the room so it's off to the restaurant, I opt for the sheep herders omelette (ain't got a clue what's in it but it's darn good) and Ali the corn-beef hash both with proper hash browns and the American staple, gallons of coffee. Should keep us going, nearly 450 + miles today via Monument Valley.
The Motel also as a Navajo visitors centre attached but not open yet but don't have any time to spare to wait.
Monument Valley is only 100 miles down the road, but the scenery is wonderful. We spot small groups of horses, we presume these are wild, and in one town they are just passing through....

I'm afraid Ali had to put up with me playing my Western themes (from movies) on the iPod, but we are in the place that some the best John Wayne films were made, except for True Grit. Ali did think it was a bit much when we were paying our entrance fee that theme from the Magnificent Seven was blaring out of the stereo....
An hour half later we are there...WOW...WOW
By all accounts this was John Wayne's favourite view, just behind me when I took this is a Hotel called the View and all the rooms face out on to this scene. Most of the photo's taken are from this point enjoying a coffee.
We did have to pay a $5 per adult fee to get into the Navajo Tribal park but worth it, also you can drive down through the pillars.
This photo shows shadows of the clouds scudding across the rocks, very pretty scene.
Not quite a cowboy, a Navajo, they do trails on horse back, and if you fancy it, overnight camp out.
We spend a good hour and more so much to see but need to be hitting the road.
One for you Steve G, Mexican Hat Rock.
We have lots of miles to do before we rest, we pass through vast landscapes and deserts of different colours, the wind is up and lots of dust storms, an experience in themselves. We have noted that outside city's and towns that most people seem to live in caravan type dwellings or RV's. They give the impression of temporary, we pass through whole towns of them.
Can't see the end of the train.
A lot of the journey runs along side the Santa Fe railroad, and I say we are impressed with the size of these trains and the amount there is, couple of miles another one, they maximise the runs here. There also a lot of Trucks on the road which Ali ain't too keen on, they do have a tendency to pull out on you when your overtaking.....
We make it to Albuquerque in good time, book into a motel, get our laundry done and pop out for tea. We find a place, I've found that go to place that has most cars outside of it and you can't go far wrong. This time it's Chilli's and the Margarita's are very good.
I'm not one for cars in general but see a corker yesterday, Z 28, what a beauty.
My favourite post so far. I love Monument Valley, it's scenic views, drama and mystic. What a place.